The Ship

Okay, cool. Thanks for reading/responding, and thanks for continuing to run a server for such a great game.
Hey guys! its nice to see that the server IS STILL RUNNING! and have something like 12 humans when its on his highlight hour!
thought of an idea to start a group and decide which day and hour to play all together, and I believe its should come from the top managers ! :)
That's up to you guys, the players. We are just hosting the server for your enjoyment.
Hey guys! its nice to see that the server IS STILL RUNNING! and have something like 12 humans when its on his highlight hour!
thought of an idea to start a group and decide which day and hour to play all together, and I believe its should come from the top managers ! :)

Unfortunately, at this point, we are maintaining this server solely due to all the regulars who play on that server. However, as of this point, we do not have the will nor the resources to actively manage a group and organize events. I do believe that there is a Steam group where players get together to arrange play times.