Hi My IGN is Slayer or Xxslayerx2 (it varies whether or not one is taken). I am 15 years old and I live in Ontario Canada
, My steam id is 0:1:50490774.I play garrys mod, counterstrike:source, minecraft, Super monday night combat, team fortress 2, Terraria, League of legends, APB reloaded, Realm Of the Madgod, Combat Arms, Blacklight Retribution and Tribes Ascend. I would like to join RKS because i want to find a group of people to play games with that actually play together and have servers and whatnot
I am fully prepared to give back to the clan should they accept me
. I Agree not to join any other clans or groups
I also agree to participate in the forums weekly (but probably Daily
) I really hope that you accept my application because i really wanna join the RKS clan,Slayer
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