WIP srp_interstellar - New Spacebuild + GlobalRP/Factions + SeriousRP map!

Hi, I'm still working on this, I was busy at work all last week and today sorting out the network.
Skybox texture is done, now to fix a few things and continue mapping the RP elements...


Now building the apartment blocks - probably going to have 5 levels for this one and I've put it next to the police station...

Thinking of doing all the apartments first and then filling in with official / public buildings and factories.

Every planet will have a day / night cycle but I'll work on those after the RP planets are finished.

EDIT2: Some alpha photos:



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Update: The main apartment block in the above pictures is now 95% complete - I'll come back to it for finishing touches when I've made some more buildings.

Does anyone know how to make clouds like on the alien planet in grp_spacevoyage?
Ahh textures could use work, they feel messy. Unless these are placeholders in which case your fine.
I might make it pretty once it works... My target for prettyness is grp_spacevoyage or better and I'm already there I think ;-)

I'll probably replace the skybox though since I don't like the way it turned out. The small RP planet is coming on quite well, I think and I will add nice effects, clouds etc.. as for the fancy stuff, well... I'll make it all work first and that can come after
Final map name will be grp_cosmos_v0a.

It now has hdr although I need to make a new skybox at some point. It's starting to look nice but I have a long way to go.

The first planet now has:

- Police Station
- Apartments
- 4 Shops with storage space
Not bad, I added a factory last weekend

when this map is let out will it be public or will you be able to password protect it in some download site?
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I release everything I do as public but only once I'm happy with the quality. I'm not going for "amazing" with this map in terms of quality but it is a HDR map and needs episode 2 due to the trees on some of the planets.

I will probably release the vmf maybe 6 months or so after the main release - but not sure about that yet.