ok this person seems to think (even if he doesent own the doors on the gun shop ) he can bagsy the gun spawner and prop block it, me and likeluke11 and wolfhowl was owning the gun shop on the rp server after about 30min's past RKS | Uberdell came along and said he owns the gunspawner i said how can you when we own the doors for the gun shop.. ! he said i bagsy'ed it so it is mine, so i told him i will be taking screenshots of his prop block that he put up on the buttons so we couldent spawn any guns this block had no keypad/buttons and was froze onto the gunspawner.
Thanks for reading.. i seem to be joining when all the noobs are on maybe one day i will have somthing good to say about the players.

Thanks for reading.. i seem to be joining when all the noobs are on maybe one day i will have somthing good to say about the players.
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