Hey everyone fellow RKS...iens...? Uh, yeah, well you get the point.
So, lets cut right to it, recently I came across an advert for a game and me being me, figured, eh, why not, lets try it. And Oh. My, god. It's a game by Nexon using the Source engine from Valve. The game is currently in Open Beta and already is amazingly awesome with it's User Interface and combat adaptive. The near entire area you play in is destructible and is insane fun to play. Here's some screen shots from boss finishing blows. This is a built in feature to Vindictus where you can save finishing blow screen shots, it also comes with a built in video recorder and other great features. These photos include myself (the mage in cloth) Phail (the one in the red armor with the sword and buckler) and one with Kickass (Also the mage but without the hat.
Phail and me giving this poor guy a beat down
Fireblast for the win
Phail watching the fireblast finish from a distance
Mage staff smash hit beat down
Standing back watching Phail doing a epic final slash
As if a Magic bolt and being beat by a staff from two mages wasn't enough, Phail needs to come in with a final flying spear.
So, lets cut right to it, recently I came across an advert for a game and me being me, figured, eh, why not, lets try it. And Oh. My, god. It's a game by Nexon using the Source engine from Valve. The game is currently in Open Beta and already is amazingly awesome with it's User Interface and combat adaptive. The near entire area you play in is destructible and is insane fun to play. Here's some screen shots from boss finishing blows. This is a built in feature to Vindictus where you can save finishing blow screen shots, it also comes with a built in video recorder and other great features. These photos include myself (the mage in cloth) Phail (the one in the red armor with the sword and buckler) and one with Kickass (Also the mage but without the hat.

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