[APPROVED] Whishing to be unbanned


Jul 16, 2012
I was banned for continuously trolling another person and did prop abuse and i know that i shouldnt have dont that i am sorry and if im unbanned msg me
my in game nme is reizu, i dont really know my steam id and the server ip i was banned was: 23.19. 122.21:27018
i like this server and dont want to be banned forever
No, we warned you several times on harassment of a certain player. You chose to break the rules, so you face the consequences. i do not support this unban.
I like Hucota's idea for a second chance but I dont really know if I support the unbanning of a troll.
Well, I was on, I really didn't see any trolling being done. Maybe I'm wrong, but I still think a second chance would be fair.
We'll see what everybody else says.
Thank you hucota and mc baggens
and grim i know that was my choice and i have learned from it please take some time to think over your desicion i have stopped
Yes that's true, but you said it was fun trolling, and the player was not having a good time. he may never come back because of that. but, has hucota said, i think it's fair to give a player a second chance to reveal himself again to the RKS Community.