[ACCEPTED]Unban please


New member
May 19, 2009
Hello, everyone.
I was banned by PHail a while ago on the jail break server because i was constantly being rude and i completely agree that i was rude BUT he was abusing his admin constantly and using his admin to show that he was "better" than us. But anyway, Its been about 2 months and i was wondering if i could be removed from the ban list. My name is XCONFIDENCEX SQMAFIA. Thank you
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If you were banned and want to request a ban lift, please follow the directions on this page.
  1. Create a new topic on this forum with your name in the subject.
  2. Provide the following information in the post.
    a. Your In Game Name
    b. The server you were banned in (IP and Port)
    c. Around what time, what date you were banned on.
    d. Your Steam ID (looks like STEAM_0:0:12345678)
    e. Your Explanation
  3. Wait for a reply.
Wrong format.
b. The server you were banned in (IP and Port)=
c. Around what time, what date you were banned on. around 2 months
d. Your Steam ID STEAM_0:0:18298387
e. Your Explanation
i was banned awhile ago for being rude to PHail, Which is understandable BUT he was constantly abusing his admin and being quite rude. I should be unbanned because i enjoy playing on the server and it has been a while and ive learned my lesson
I argee, some bans that Phail has made are abit overdoing it :/ I argee that this person should be unbanned.
I do think it was a reasonable ban.. But I don't think a 'perma' ban was necessary.

As long as there was nothing else to the story aside from back talking & disrespect.
Somewhat, But remeber ive done some homework on PHail and other people seem to have simalr problems, But apart from that, There was no other confrontation, He abused his admin constantly on other people and then i got kinda pissed.So, I reacted, I dont think what i did was wrong.