[ACCEPTED] Random Death Matching

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Active member
Jun 5, 2010
In game name: Chicken foot
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27557133
In game demo:
roughly around 1:25PM PT June 6th, 2010
Server IP:

Reason to ban. He randomly killed me and my two tribe mates since we wouldn't let him join our tribe. You can hear him say this in the video demo I linked it. We din't have any guns so jash got fed up and was pushing him away from us at the end of the video. After that, Chickenfoot left the server and didn't come back.
You clearly don't know the rules to your own clan's servers then.. randomly killing people is highly against the rules on that server. The server has enough problems with game killing bugs, it doesn't need people going around killing everyone all the time.
You clearly don't know the rules to your own clan's servers then.. randomly killing people is highly against the rules on that server. The server has enough problems with game killing bugs, it doesn't need people going around killing everyone all the time.

You're not even an RKS member your just a veistor.
Personaly i don't think its ban worthy but i think if he does it on a consitant basis that he should get banned.
Yes and you two are RKS members and I seemingly care more about rules then the actual members do. Each day this clan is getting progressively worse in terms of how things are run.

Your lead posted a FAQ to how to request bans, I followed all of the rules for doing so, gave undeniable proof, and you two think breaking rules doesn't constitute a ban? every post I ever made on these fourm's has been advice about how to make the server in question better.. but if a clan wants to drive their own server into the ground, whatever. I'm just glad I din't donate which I was seriously consider about 4 days ago.
Fire2box has horrible attitude, talks **** about the server, and said he hates the admins on it.
I never said I hate the admins here sober.. I dislike you and jake because you don't seemingly care when people break rules expect when you are on.. I offer you all proof someone broke the most major rule on the server and you all shrug it off. Seriously, if I acted the way you and jake acted on this situation when I was a admin in Spec-Ops before I left it, I would of got kicked out of the clan and even possibly banned from the servers.

Both of you say you won't even look at demo file because some internet security thing say's it could hold a virus. It doesn't save it is a virus and even if it did there's this situation called False Positives. I'll admit I can come off seeming like a asshole sometimes because I prefer to speak openly and state my true feelings rather then sugar coat it for your satisfaction. When you take a job as a admin, your going to be criticized and scrutinized a lot.

Also just a few mins ago on the server you told me to go F myself. I can understand your anger at me, while i'm openly saying you and jake can be bad admins at times.. but does that give you a right to insult players on your clan's server?
I never insulted you Sober did. All I was saying was that Py needs to decide if some one gets banned when admins aren't on but I never said anything negative towards you. However you do insult people and think you are smarter then every one else.
I never said you insulted me, I said Sober did. I even have a demo file of you (jake) saying he told me to "go F myself". Though Sober wouldn't admit to it since he guessed I was recording though the console commands. A player, had better decency then that of a admin. I'll admit I cused in both mic and text chat on the server, but always in exasperation and never directly at someone.

I never insulted anyone here on these forums, RKS member's or said I am smarter then everyone else. Like I said before I don't deny I can't come off like a prick or anything, but I prefer being open, honest, direct. So far the four of you have seemingly implied or directly said this isn't ban worth, even though once again it's in clear violation of the rules, while not reviewing the evidence at all.

I am trying to help your clan deal with what you call "Minges" and follow all the proper guidelines for doing so, then I get it thrown right back into my face. Sober said in the server that if I ever apply to become a member of RKS my application would most likely get denied. I would not even want to join a clan where it's admins can't take any form of criticism well and then cusses at the said player.
I understand you want justice and I agree with banning him. But when no admins are on nothing can happen with out PY's decision and we are happy with your insight in helping stop Minges.
You clearly don't know the rules to your own clan's servers then.. randomly killing people is highly against the rules on that server. The server has enough problems with game killing bugs, it doesn't need people going around killing everyone all the time.

It's true, I've never set foot on our Gmod server. Don't even have the game :( It sounds like fun, maybe I will pick it up sometime.

I didn't know killing people was so looked down upon. It just sounded to me like people whining because they got owned, which would normally just make me lol, not ban somebody.

But I will defer to the people who actually play the game and on the server.

Firebox obviously cares about the server - he's not even a member but he took the time to register and post a complaint here. That's cool.
Man, Firebox even uses punctuation and stuff. I like this guy, let's hire him IMO :cool:
i am most sorry for the delay of the investigation but the case is now taken care of. Chicken foot has been banned for 2 weeks as a warning. if anymore incedents happens with this player he will be permabanned.

Case closed gentlemen.
A lot of things needs to be addressed in this post.

Firstly, thanks for the ban report Fire2box. The fact that the guy couldnt tolerate being denied into the tribe and decided to kill everyone inside the tribe demonsttrates his character. His behavior is similar to those on tF2 servers who change teams at the last moment to go onto the winning team, or change to the winning team so that he can pawn others. This is not the type of players we want on our servers. In 2 weeks time, he will most likely be exactly the same as he is now. As such, I have changed his ban time to a perm ban.

Secondly, Aman, thanks for the ban. Nice job.

Thirdly, Jake and Sober, I am lately receiving all kinds of bad reports about you. I will need to have a serious talk with both of you together in teamspeak one day. I will arrange a time when both of you are on.

Fourthly, notice how none of the senior members said anything on this post. This is because they know that unless they can say something, it's better that they dont talk. None of you here were on when that happened. As such, none of you have the right to talk anything about this ban.

Lastly, Fire2box, I appreciate the reports. However, althoguh this is primarily jake and sober's fault, there is some fault that lies in you. You aren't exactly the nice type either. You do tend to piss some people off, and you do go around blatantly insulting some people. You did acknowledge few posts up that you can be a prick at times, so I see that you are a good person and I think you can work on this a little. There are times when I felt insulted by you, but then again, I do not try to let that influence my decisions. The responses of 3 members who have joined RKS within the last 3 weeks do not consitute RKS as a whole. I would appreciate if you don't make impulsive decisions like that. I am trying my best at the moment trying to improve everything. Right now I got many many servers to manage, and many other internal functions smooth running. I am trying my best to tend to all of these activities, but my abilities are limited. I did take many of your suggestions and I already plan to modify the MOTD to reflect these changes soon. I hope I dind't offtend you too much, and I would very much appreciate if you continue to provide feedback.
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