[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Zach.
using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
Dropped "[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan" from server<STEAM_0:0:52146758>
As is clear from the logs, this fellow here RDMd Whiteknight repeatedly, as well as poor ol' innocent Zach.
The ban-requestee was a CP as well as Whiteknight, so that's teamkill on top of RDM and most likely spawn killing. And, of course, he fled the server directly afterwards.
This occured a few minutes prior to this post, probably some time shortly after 2:10 AM EST.
SteamID, as is clear from the logs, is STEAM_0:0:52146758.
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan killed Whiteknight819 using weapon_real_cs_glock18
Dropped "[BSG] Lethodus #Dylan" from server<STEAM_0:0:52146758>
As is clear from the logs, this fellow here RDMd Whiteknight repeatedly, as well as poor ol' innocent Zach.
The ban-requestee was a CP as well as Whiteknight, so that's teamkill on top of RDM and most likely spawn killing. And, of course, he fled the server directly afterwards.
This occured a few minutes prior to this post, probably some time shortly after 2:10 AM EST.
SteamID, as is clear from the logs, is STEAM_0:0:52146758.