dirty birdie

Sep 1, 2012
So right now I'm typing this at school because opera mini browser isn't under the school's web filters. Neat I'm gonna give a shout-out to my boy papa.
I just browse the forums while at school, my robotics teacher is like "idgaf" and we search random stuff on google.
I can get on the forums at school, but I dont have a study hall anymore so I dont do it that often.
Web filters are probably out of date at the school
My school is on the ball in filters when it comes to IE, MF, and Safari(It's really watertight can't even go to game websites). But they haven't included Opera Mini into their list of browsers that they cover with filters.
Websense is the worst. Continuous updates from the provider, all new domains/URLs are reviewed by a person and added to a category. Furthermore, doesnt depend on anything such as the browser, OS, etc. It was actually used for military purposes in Israel or something.