Admin IGT HUD Helper


Apr 27, 2012
I entirely made up the name. But I'll explain what it means.

The AIGTHUDH (Admin I-Got-This HUD Helper) is something I had the idea to code with E2, which I probably still will, but an actual implementation to help out the admins would be nice.
What would it be/what's the function? Well, it would be a collapsible menu on your HUD containing a list of all non-admin+ players who have used the @ command to contact an admin in within the last 5 minutes. There would be a button beside each player name so that you can let the other admins know if you are going to handle whatever the situation may be. (Hence "I Got This")
Upon hovering over/clicking the player name, details would be displayed as to which admin IGT'd the situation, if the player in question is frozen, jailed, gagged/muted, any deaths they have experienced since using @, and so-on.
This would be understandably a butthurt to create, I plan on making a prototype in E2 as I mentioned, but I believe it could aid in the administration process. If there's any way I could assist in design or code, I'd be more than happy to help.
I understand that assuming this idea is approved there's more important things to address first.

Any input? Leave a post.

PS: Context menu is your friend.
Implying that people use @ instead of ADMIN 2 ME, ADMIN 2 ME!
But otherwise that i like the idea, but i think a lua script would be better for it, kind of like Gmod13 where when you press c a bar appears on the top and you can right click entities. I think some of them were made already.