Recent content by Conmanx360

  1. C

    [REJECTED] Black man and <{Infinius}>- A Friendly Sheep

    These two were on trouble in Terrorist town around 10:00 saying "Nigg--" . I told them to stop, and they kept going. # 485 "-<{Infinius}>- A Friendly Sheep" STEAM_0:0:28477623 07:35 172 0 active # 484 "Black Man" STEAM_0:1:61269 07:55 343 0 active
  2. C

    Conman's Ghetto fixes Thread

    My Ghetto PC fix, yo. The fan was getting loud and breaking, so I decided to be ghetto and SCOTCH tape the fan in. I was out of Duct. Oh sad day.
  3. C


    Testing, 1, 2, 3.