[ACCEPTED] Literalboy


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
In the underground bomb shelter in the opposite co
Roleplay Gmod
Sunday March 8th
6:00pm maybe 7:00pm
STEAM_0: 1:22182995
I was banned for prop blocking a money printer with a shipment inside. I was not informed about that rule and no one told me about that rule. I didn't receive a warning of this.
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i have told you before not to propblock druglab's and money moneyprinters ask treebark the understudy he has seen you do this over 5 times and i have seen you do this about 5 or 6 times now. I have warned you over and over again not to do it so this last time i felt that warning you wont work so i banned you.
Darth, you can go ahead unban him. Give him one more chance. He's not one of those minges who do these purposely. Perhpas if he does it again, we can keep the ban up.

Fire did give multiiple notifications, and you acknowledged them. Pay more attention to what you are responding to. Please follow the rules more carefully next time also.
Not to argue with the RKS Supreme court


lol i'm getting carried away with pictures